Barry W. Bunch, DE, PE

    Research Civil Engineer


    • B.S., McNeese State University, 1985, Civil Engineering
    • M.S., Louisiana Tech University, 1986, Civil Engineering
    • Dr. Engr. Louisiana Tech University, 1989, Environmental Option

    Professional Experience

    • Chesapeake Bay Tributaries Modeling Study
    • Passaic River Diversion Tunnel Modeling Study
    • San Juan Bay Estuary Water Quality Modeling Study

    Research Interests

    • Water quality and contaminant modeling of surface water
    • Linkage of hydrodynamic and water quality models
    • Dredging

    Research Projects

    • Port of Los Angeles Cabrillo Shallow Water Habitat Modeling Study
    • Pascagoula DMMP Study
    • Grand Calumet TMDL Study
    • Cache River, Arkansas Water Quality Modeling Study
    • Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland Contaminant Modeling Study
    • Comprehensive High Performance Computing Software Support Initiative (CHSSI), Hudson River, New York Toxic Modeling Application
    • Port of Los Angeles Main Channel Deepening Modeling Study
    • Port of Los Angeles Pier 300 Expansion Water Quality Modeling Study
    • Florida Bay Water Quality Modeling Study
    • Dredge Material Management Plan for New York-New Jersey Harbors

    Professional Memberships

    • American Society of Civil Engineers
    • Louisiana Engineering Society


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Updated July 2024