David M. Soballe, PhD

    Research Biologist


    • B.S., University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, 1972, Biology
    • M.S., Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI, 1978, Biological Sciences
    • Ph.D., Iowa State University , Ames, IA, 1981, Animal Ecology (Limnology)

    Research Interests

    • River-reservoir ecology
    • Water quality monitoring designs and implementation
    • Nutrient and sediment dynamics, eutrophication
    • Aquatic habitat assessment and restoration
    • Aquatic primary production, phytoplankton ecology

    Research Projects

    • Long-Term Resource Monitoring Program - Upper Mississippi River System
    • Lake Okeechobee Sediment and Nutrient Dynamics Studies - South Florida
    • Reservoir Ecology Program, Oak Ridge National Laboratory - Southeast U.S.


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Updated July 2024