Search on "Toney"

    Technical Reports


    Goodwin, R.A., Nestler, J.M., Anderson, J.J., Kim, J., and Toney, T. (2005) "Evaluating Wanapum Dam Bypass Configurations for Outmigrating Juvenile Salmon Using Virtual Fish: Numerical Fish Surrogate (NFS) Analysis," ERDC/EL TR-05-7, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.

    Technical Notes

    Ecosystem Management and Support Systems (EM)

    Nestler, J. M., R. A. Goodwin, and L. T. Toney. (2002) "Simulating Movement of Highly Mobile Aquatic Biota: Foundation for Population Modeling in an Ecosystem Context," EMRRP-EM-02

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Updated July 2024