Models and Tools

 Black Dot Image Aquatic Plant

 Black Dot Image Dredged Material

 Black Dot Image Health Risk Assessment

 Black Dot Image Landfill

 Black Dot Image Water Quality

 Black Dot Image Other

Landfill Models

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Hydrologic Evaluation of Landfill Performance (HELP):


POC: Paul Schroeder
Version 3.07
A computer program for hydrologic evaluation of landfill and confined dredged material disposal facility design zhelp3w.exe
(wp5 format)

(pdf format)

Spanish Version 3.07
HELP fue diseñado para ejecutar análisis de balance de agua para el diseño y la evaluación de rellenos sanitarios zsphelp3.exe
Upgrade from 3.0X to 3.07
Upgrades older versions of HELP software zupdate.exe
An overview of HELP model applications, process descriptions, input requirements, and output formats zh3demo.exe

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Updated July 2024