U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Engineer Research and Development Center

Dredging Operations Technical Support Program

US Army Corps of Engineers

USACE Federally Sponsored Programs & Initiatives

Beneficial Use of Dredged Sediment (BU) Dredging Innovations Group (DIG) Dredging Operations and Environmental Research (DOER) Engineering With Nature (EWN) Thin Layer Placement of Dredged Sediment (TLP) Threatened and Endangered Species Team (TEST)

USACE Dredge Related Databases

Biota-Sediment Accumulation Factor Database (BSAF) Engineering With Nature Project Mapper (EWN ProMAP) Environmental Effects & Dredging and Disposal (E2D2) Environmental Residue Effects Database (ERED) Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site Database (ODMDS)

Main USACE Websites

US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC)

Dredging Data Extracts
from the Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army, on Civil Works Activities


Since the mid-1800's the Chief of the US Army Corps of Engineers has reported Civil Works activities to the Secretary of the Army (previously the Secretary of War) in a comprehensive annual report. This information isn't known to be consolidated in any other source. The annual reports are available as electronic documents, but the data contained within each document is not structured for analysis, primarily because it is in text format. The Dredging Innovations Group (DIG) is mining data from these reports using Optical Character Recognition technology to "read" the reports, and by building data models to structure the data contained in the reports. The ultimate goal of this effort is to generate a database that covers over 150 years of USACE dredging activity.


Get Extracted Dredging Data (csv files) (Removal, Placement, Operation, All 3 *zipped*)

Get Raw Text Data (All 106 *zipped*) or (See and download individual Text files)

Use or reproduction of any slides/graphics or portions of figures etc. found herein shall contain an acknowledgement of the author/institution and be by permission of the author.

Get GATE Model Files (ACE-GATE.zip)

Get the Report (ACE_Dredging_Final_Report_20170929.pdf)

Get PDF Annual Reports (Find individual Chief's Reports at the USACE Digital Library)

Suggested Citation Format

Data downloaded for use should be credited as follows:
Dredging Data Extracts from the Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army on Civil Works Activities. Coastal & Hydraulics Laboratory, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center. Retrieved (month, day, year) from https://dots.el.erdc.dren.mil/dig.html.