U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Engineer Research and Development Center

Dredging Operations Technical Support Program

US Army Corps of Engineers

USACE Federally Sponsored Programs & Initiatives

Beneficial Use of Dredged Sediment (BU) Dredging Innovations Group (DIG) Dredging Operations and Environmental Research (DOER) Engineering With Nature (EWN) Thin Layer Placement of Dredged Sediment (TLP) Threatened and Endangered Species Team (TEST)

USACE Dredge Related Databases

Biota-Sediment Accumulation Factor Database (BSAF) Engineering With Nature Project Mapper (EWN ProMAP) Environmental Effects & Dredging and Disposal (E2D2) Environmental Residue Effects Database (ERED) Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site Database (ODMDS)

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20 May 2020, 1:00 PM CDT

The Natural Infrastructure Opportunities Tool; presented by Dr. Safra Altman (bio PDF), from ERDC Environmental Laboratory. The Natural Infrastructure Opportunities Tool (NIOT) is a web viewer designed to help discover natural infrastructure connections and inspire innovative opportunities. The NIOT uses map-based visualizations of environmental, geomorphic and sediment conditions, as well as upcoming USACE projects, and also serves as an interface for users to add their resource needs and resource availability.

05/20/2020 Altman, Safra

14 August 2019, 1:00 PM CDT

Leveraging Technology to Prevent Looting and Destruction of Archaeological Sites: Real-Time Effects Cultural Evaluation Networking Tracking, Planning, and Sensitivity Tool (RECENTPAST); presented by Michael Fedoroff (bio PDF), from USACE-TNTCX and Brian Zettle (bio PDF), from USACE-SAM.

Increased demand for illegally obtained artifacts results in widespread destruction and looting of archaeological sites on Federal property. New and innovative approaches must be taken to combat such activities. The RECENTPAST Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tool was developed by United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Tribal Nations Technical Center and Mobile District to manage cultural resources with the best technology available. This technological strategy has aided in the conviction of several looting cases within the District and transformed a reactive management strategy into a proactive strategy of stewardship. Additionally, it has been implemented in offshore dredging applications aiding in cultural resource protection offshore.

  • Presentation (PDF)
  • Video (MP4)
  • Transcript (PDF)

08/14/2019 Fedoroff, Michael Zettle, Brian

17 July 2019

Bioaccumulation Control at Open Water Placement Sites by Dredged Material Amendment with Activated Carbon; presented by Dr. Paul Schroeder (bio PDF), from the Environmental Laboratory. Sediments in urban harbors often cause elevated poly-chlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) bioaccumulation, limiting their suitability for beneficial use or placement in aquatic sites. This presentation examines:

  - Activated carbon dosage requirements for bioaccumulation control
  - The efficacy of mixing activated carbon within a barge using conventional dredging equipment
  - The spreading and losses of activated carbon during conventional placement of amended dredged material through 15 meters (50 feet) of water (demo at Ashtabula Open Water Placement Site)
  - Effectiveness of field application
  - Impacts on benthic organisms

07/17/2019 Schroeder, Paul

27 March 2019

Impacts of Mud Aggregate Processes on Sediment Transport in Dredging Projects; presented by Dr. Jarrell Smith and Mr. David Perkey from the Coastal Hydraulics Laboratory. Learn how mud aggregates impact sediment transport processes and why it matters to dredging projects. Get a glimpse of data from ongoing research then a sneak peak at future guidance to include aggregate processes in modeling and project designs.

03/27/2019 Smith, Jarrell Perkey, David

5 September 2018

Addressing Potential Dredging Operation Impacts on the Federally Endangered Atlantic Sturgeon; presented by Dr. Matthew Balazik (bio PDF) and Mr. Justin Wilkens (bio PDF), from the ERDC Environmental Laboratory. Mr. Wilkens began the webinar with a presentation about the results from a laboratory test performed at the ERDC, Vicksburg, MS, USA, investigating the effects of suspended sediment on short-term survival and swimming performance of juvenile Atlantic sturgeon. Following this presentation, Dr. Balazik presented findings from field work investigating Atlantic sturgeon movements in relation to an active dredge in the James River, VA, USA. The goal of this research was to generate data through laboratory and field studies to help evaluate the effectiveness of environmental windows intended to protect the Atlantic sturgeon.

07/18/2018 Scully, Brandan

18 July 2018

Dredging Data Extracts: A Century of USACE Dredging Activities; presented by Dr. Brandan Scully (bio PDF), from the ERDC Coastal & Hydraulics Laboratory. The Dredging Innovations Group extracted useful dredging data in a compact form from over 100 years of Annual Reports on Civil Works. The extracted data has a variety of uses within the USACE navigation, flood risk management, and environmental business lines, and is available here.

07/18/2018 Scully, Brandan

23 May 2018

New Thin Layer Placement Map Portal: Recognition and resources in a growing field of dredge material management; presented by Ms. Damarys Acevedo-Mackey (bio PDF), from the ERDC Environmental Laboratory. Find out how to share your Thin Layer Placement (TLP) project success and lessons learned. Benefit from other world-wide TLP experience including literature, photos, and data. Find similar projects in preparation for a TLP application. The Thin Layer Placement (TLP) of Dredged Material map-based portal is now available for you and your partners.

05/23/2018 Acevedo-Mackey, Damarys

21 March 2018

Biological Effects of Dredging-Induced Underwater Sounds; presented by Dr. Andrew McQueen (bio PDF), from the ERDC Environmental Laboratory. There is increasing concern related to adverse biological effects associated with anthropogenic input of sounds to the underwater soundscape. The goal of this research was to document adverse biological effects of underwater sound from dredging activities to discern potential ecological risks.

03/21/2018 McQueen, Andrew

19 April 2017

Dredging Operations Technical Support: Ocean Disposal Database and Bioaccumulation Databases; presented by Mr. Justin Wilkens (bio PDF), Research Biologist, of the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center

04/19/2017 Wilkens, Justin

22 March 2017

Geotechnical Factors in Dredgeability (DREDGABL); presented by Mr. Tim Welp (bio PDF), Research Hydraulic Engineer, of the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center

03/22/2017 Welp, Tim

22 February 2017

Strategic Placement of Dredged Material; presented by Dr. Joseph Gailani (bio PDF), Research Hydraulic Engineer, of the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center

02/22/2017 Gailani, Joseph

31 August 2016

Thin Layer Placement of Dredge Material – A Web-based Repository of Resources and Case Studies; presented by Ms. Damarys Acevedo-Acevedo (bio PDF), of the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center

08/31/2016 Acevedo-Acevedo, Damarys

30 January 2016

Thin Layer Placement of Dredge Material – Monitoring, Modeling, and Conservation Planning: USACE Contributions to Recovery of an Endangered Species; presented by Dr. Richard Fischer (bio PDF), Research Wildlife Biologist, of the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center

01/30/2016 Fischer, Richard

28 October 2015

Comprehensive Monitoring Study of a Beneficial Reuse Project at Egmont Key, FL; presented by Dr. Katherine Brutsché (bio PDF), Research Physical Scientist, of the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center

10/28/2015 Brutsche, Katherine

15 April 2015

Part 3: Applications and Case Studies (based on design manual: Engineering with Nature Using Native Plant Communities); presented by Dr. Pamela Bailey (bio PDF), Research Botanist and Landscape Architect, of the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center

04/15/2015 Bailey, Pamela

8 April 2015

Part 2: The National Vegetation Classification and Plant Resources (based on design manual: Engineering with Nature Using Native Plant Communities); presented by Dr. Pamela Bailey (bio PDF), Research Botanist and Landscape Architect, of the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center

04/08/2015 Bailey, Pamela

1 April 2015

Part 1: The National Vegetation Classification and Plant Resources (based on design manual: Engineering with Nature Using Native Plant Communities); presented by Dr. Pamela Bailey (bio PDF), Research Botanist and Landscape Architect, of the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center

04/01/2015 Bailey, Pamela

28 January 2015

USACE Dredged Material Management Decisions (D2M2) Tool; presented by Mr. Matthew Bates (bio PDF), Research Environmental Engineer of the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center

04/01/2015 Bates, Matthew

12 November 2014

Alkali-Aggregate Reactions in Concrete: Mechanisms, Testing, Mitigation, and Occurrence in USACE Navigation Structures; presented by Dr. Robert Moser (bio PDF), Research Civil Engineer of the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center

11/12/2014 Moser, Robert

27 August 2014

USACE Threatened and Endangered Species Team (TEST) Approach: ESA Section 7(a)(1) and Engineering With Nature; presented by Ms. Jennifer Gerhardt-Smith (bio PDF), Research Biologist of the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center and Mr. Paul Hartfield (bio PDF), Endangered Species Biologist of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

08/27/2014 Gerhardt-Smith, Jennifer Hartfield, Paul

30 July 2014

Thin Layer Placement; presented by Mr. Coraggio Maglio (bio PDF), Professional Engineer of the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center

07/30/2014 Maglio, Coraggio

25 June 2014

An Overview of Regional Sediment Management (RSM) and Sediment Management Tools; presented by Ms. Linda Lillycrop (bio PDF), RSM Program Manager of the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center

06/25/2014 Lillycrop, Linda

30 April 2014

A Rapid Deployment System for Assessing Exposure of Biological Communities to Dredging Plumes; presented by Dr. Deborah Shafer (bio PDF), Research Marine Biologist and Ms. Cheryl Pollock (bio PDF), Research Hydraulic Engineer, both of the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center

04/30/2014 Shafer, Deborah Pollock, Cheryl

26 March 2014

SEDiment MANagement (SEDMAN) Web Application; presented by Mr. Rob Thomas (bio PDF), and Mr. Klay Williams (bio PDF), of the USACE Galveston and Mobile Districts

03/26/2014 Thomas, Rob Williams, Klay

26 February 2014

Engineering With Nature Project Mapping Tool (EWN ProMap); demonstrated by Dr. Tom Fredette (bio PDF), Research Biologist, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center

02/26/2014 Fredette, Tom

29 January 2014

Assessing Environmental Windows using Effects Data; presented by Dr. Burton Suedel (bio PDF), Research Biologist, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center

01/29/2014 Suedel, Burton

4 December 2013

An Overview of Dredging Equipment and Methodologies; presented by Mr. Tim Welp (bio PDF), Research Hydraulic Engineer, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center

12/04/2013 Welp, Tim

6 November 2013

Engineering With Nature; presented by Dr. Todd Bridges (bio PDF), U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center

11/06/2013 Bridges, Todd

18 September 2013

Beneficial Use of Dredged Material; presented by Mr. John Childs (bio PDF), Research Civil Engineer, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center

09/18/2013 Childs, John

28 August 2013

Dredged Material Evaluation and Testing - Part 2 (Upland); presented by Dr. Trudy Estes (bio PDF), Research Civil Engineer, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center

08/28/2013 Estes, Trudy

31 July 2013

Dredged Material Evaluation and Testing - Part 1 (Aquatic); presented by Dr. Jeffery Steevens (bio PDF), Senior Research Scientist, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center

07/31/2013 Steevens, Jeffery

26 June 2013

An Overview of Dredging Operations; presented by Mr. Thomas Verna (bio PDF), Senior Policy Advisor, USACE Navigation Data Center

06/26/2013 Verna, Thomas

29 May 2013

USACE National Dredging Program and Regulations; presented by Mr. Joe Wilson (bio PDF), Senior Environmental Advisor, HQUSACE

05/29/2013 Wilson, Joe