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The ERDC Dredging Operations Technical Support Program (DOTS) provides environmental and engineering technical support to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Operations and Maintenance navigation and dredging missions. Technology transfer products and activities support diverse field needs that directly benefit navigation and dredging operations throughout the United States.
View DOTS Responses
Learn about topics such as dredging, dredged sediment disposal and beneficial use, and the underwater sounds of dredging.
Review past training sessions on sustainable sediment management, Engineering With Nature, and beneficial use of dredged sediment.
The Beneficial Use Goods and Services Tool (BUGS) is now available.
The ERED and BSAF databases aid the USACE's dredging mission by providing data to help interpret bioaccumulation test results for disposal of dredged sediment. ODMDS database contains dredge sediment disposal records and site characteristics for over 100 ocean sites.
DOTS Responses
All DOTS responses are documented to summarize the technical activities performed, deliverables completed, and benefits of the response to the Dredging/Navigation program(s).
- Program Manager
- Burton C. Suedel, Ph.D.
- Research Biologist
- Environmental Laboratory
- Assistant Program Manager
- Justin L. Wilkens
- Research Biologist
- Environmental Laboratory
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Guidance Documents


Models and Tools